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What Clients Are Saying

Dave was a great asset to have with me navigating the way to my home ownership. He knew the area and made me comfortable in all the processes with bank , lawyers etc.-Joanne


"My wife and I were first time home buyers and didn't realize how much work actually went into buying a house. We had a very short period of time to buy the house as our rental lease was ending soon. David worked with us relentlessly to find a place that would suit us within our price range. We looked at several houses and David’s experience really showed as he would point things out that we would have never noticed. I truly appreciated all of his hard work and dedication to us as he made us feel like we were his only clients. He was very responsive and always positive through the whole process. The book he provided us with that he wrote educated us on a specific timeline to adhere to. I would not go with any other realtor for a future purchase and I have already recommended him to friends and family. Thanks for everything."

-Matt & Megan

Matt & Megan-Satisfied Buyers